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The title of the article I read was “Teenage Brains Are malleable and vulnerable, researchers say that the teen brain can be impulsive.The title of the story I read on was “Teenage Brains are Malleable and Vulnerable,Researchers Say.” The author of this story was John Hamilton, and this story was about how teenage brains is at unique stage of development that can impact impulsivity. They say a study by researchers in the  U.S and the U.K showed how much the brain changes during adolescence in regions involved in social interactions. Some people say that the kids brain is broken.But adolescent brains are also vulnerable, dynamic and highly responsive to positive feedback, they say. Well that what made the “child psychiatry researcher” look for facts on teenage brains. So some studies say that adolescent brains are “wired” to engage in risky behavior. There are two risky behaviors such as drug use or unsafe sex.

These studies have concluded that teens have prone to this sort of behavior because of the brain sensitive. Casey says thats not the case so, The study had teens and adults play a game where they got point by correctly answering questions about the motions of dots on the screen. During the game and when there were a lot of points at stake, teens actually spent more time on studying the dots then adults. There brains were acting impulsively, making sure they got it right, and this show how teen sensitively to rewards can lead them to better decisions.

And there were two more studies that they did that showed that the adolescent brain is literally shaped by experiences in early life. The scan showed that men who’d had an episode of depression had brains that were less responsive to rewards. They can’t respond naturally say’s, Erika Forbes at Universe of Pittsburg. she says that why you should treat there problems like depression in teens. The tremendous social changes teenagers go through reflected on there brains and they also show that these changes continue beyond the teen years.


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The Coldest Place On Earth

The Coldest Place On Earth

The movie, “To Build a Fire,” which is based on Jack London’s short story, led me to pick this topic because I wanted to know what is the coldest place on earth. The Canadian Klondike made me think was there a place colder than that and do people live in this type of weather. So I asked myself three questions’ relating to this topic, which is The Coldest Place On Earth.

One of the three questions I asked myself was “Does it be cold during the summertime?” The information I got for that question was that it feels like winter throughout most of the year. They claim the hottest it has been in Russian research station in Vostok was like 0-65 degrees. I really want to know how long do people live in this kind of weather and survive.

The Russian research stain in Vostok had the lowest degrees in the world so it mad me ask another question which was “what was the lowest degree there?” The lowest temperature ever recorded there was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit on July 21, 1983. Then I was like that’s to cold too even try to do something, which made me think how hard was it to survive when it was that cold. It really don’t give me that much detail on how they survived but they did say it was very difficult to survive because you are in the middle of Antarctica.

White Brown Mountain Under White Cloud and Blue Sky during Daytime

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